Bathroom remodeling can make sense for homeowners for a number of reasons. One of those reasons is a bathroom remodel can add significant value to your home which you can recoup when you sell - if done correctly. You’re also likely to enhance the comfort, style, and efficiency of the finished project. There are five common mistakes you can avoid when remodeling your bathroom.
1. Rushing the process
Now that you’re committed to the idea of a new bathroom, you probably want it done tomorrow. But poor planning is the leading cause of cost overruns on these projects. Nothing is more expensive than doing things twice. Depending on the size and scope of your bath project, you should spend several weeks to a few months on the planning process. If you don’t have a Pinterest account yet, consider one. This website lets you keep a digital ideas file of inspiring images you find on the Internet, say for tile styles, favorite fixtures, and clever designs.
Photo: Pinterest
As you plan the space, try to come up with a design that keeps the major plumbing lines in place. Moving the toilet from one wall to another will mean relocating a 3-inch drain line in a home, which can cost thousands.
2. Blowing the budget
The homeowner who stays within a budget is the homeowner who plans ahead. The more detailed the project plans are, the more accurate the bids and the more realistic the budget. Making all the selections of finishes and equipment prior to commencing construction will allow you to get the big picture and consider the complete cost of the project.
Photo: Bob Vila
It is recommend that reserving 5 to 10 percent of the proposed budget as a contingency for the unexpected challenges of a remodeling project. Architects and engineers do the best they can to anticipate potential issues, but it is only when they cut into the walls, floors and ceiling that you know the whole story.
3. Gutting too soon
Photo: Designprobeblog
It is cringe-worthy, when someone decides they want to remodel and starts tearing down walls without a plan. First, the planning stage takes weeks or even months. It may be three to six months from initial project inception before permits are secured and construction can begin. If you are overly excited about beginning the project, you may end up living in a construction zone far longer than you need to or be faced with rebuilding walls you could have saved when you took a sledgehammer to your house without a plan.
4. Cutting corners on key materials
Another common mistake is cheaping out on those items that get the most use. Lifetime warranties that cover leaks and stains have become more common on all but the cheapest faucets. Tile is another material that you touch and feel each day. While you can find quality options for $5 per square foot, super cut-rate tiles may have slight size inconsistencies. The results will be crooked lines that make a bathroom look shoddy.
Most times floating vanities and shelving require support that isn’t seen.These products are often forgotten during planning and purchasing. But these vanity support brackets are essential to make sure your investment is done right. Trying to complete a project without the right supports will only cause headaches later on.
We love this up and coming way to float your bathroom vanity. Here is the start to finish pics of how this bracket works.
Photos: The Original Granite Bracket
5. Forgetting about storage
Photo: Chatodining
Making the most of a small bathroom without adding clutter is a challenging task for many homeowners. Despite limited space, a small bathroom is one of the most used rooms in a home.
Running from the shower to grab a towel from the hallway linen closet gets old—and cold—fast. And more often than not, your small bathroom is drowning in an array of toiletries. Your bathroom can store more than you can imagine. You just need to spend some time and design storage space in your bathroom. A closet inside the bathroom is ideal, though an armoire or even just a simple chest can handle the essentials. As you think about the space you have now, think about who plans to use the bathroom, what size space you have to work with, and what items will be stored.